We are proud to announce that our Parascope line is now in Patent Pending status as we await our Utility Patent. This protects us from someone duplicating our products and idea's that we spend years innovating and unlawfully calling them theirs while it is in the Patent Pending status. Here is what the law states for Patent Pending-
"If an inventor has a patent pending for an invention and a company begins to use that invention without his permission, the inventor can proceed to get the patent issued and sue the company for patent infringement. Patent damages start to accrue from the date that the application is published 18 months after it is filed. Moreover, the inventor can get triple damages if he can prove the infringement was willful. Finally, the inventor may also get an injunction against the company, thereby stopping the company from selling any more of the infringing product.
The Parascope is one of our first products ever introduced and continues to be a great research tool for a Paranormal investigation. The combination of electronics and the design are protected so cheap knockoff versions that don't have the 7 year research behind them can't be built. We are proud to be a Paranormal team as well so we can continue to advance our research in this field and bring innovative products to the consumer at a low price. We appreciate all the support behind our products and look forward to new products in the future!
-Jeromy Jones
President Paranologies